Sunrise Foundation

Sunrise Foundation

Sunrise Community Foundation, Inc., a private non-profit organization, was founded in 1986 and was established to provide financial support to the Sunrise group of companies which are dedicated to assisting individuals with developmental, intellectual, and physical challenges.

Sunrise is guided by the self-evident truth that all people want and have a right to a full and productive life which includes a home, family, work and participation in community groups and activities. Sunrise further recognizes that all people desire experiences that are nurturing, fulfilling and dignified, supporting the capacity for growth through which these recognized wants and desires can be realized. Sunrise is committed to ensuring that individualized supports and services are designed and provided to build on people’s strengths, interests, and needs.

    Our funding priorities are as follows:

  1. Life-enriching programs and/or educational activities for the people supported by Sunrise.
  2. Unique experiences that encourage community and social participation that support the wishes and desires of those we serve.

    Our funding interests are as follows:

  1. Projects that could not be funded with reimbursement from Medicaid and other funding sources.
  2. Projects that can serve as a model and might be continuing in nature and/or could be reproduced in other locations.
  3. Projects that could increase community awareness of our programs and needs of the organization.
  4. Projects with impact that can be documented or quantified.
  5. Services that impact the overall wellbeing of Sunrise staff who help provide quality care to those we support.